Who We Are

Our Core Values


“The Gospel changes everything.”


We believe that the Gospel is sufficient and solves our deepest needs. 

This is why we say that the Gospel changes everything: it restores our relationship to God—as we are reconciled to Him—and then, it reorders our relationship with everything else. All of our priorities and appetites are reordered rightly because the Gospel restores true worship.


“The Gospel pulls us into community.”


Jesus did not come only to forgive us of our sin. He came to restore us to true community

This is why we keep the Gospel at the center. Because if the Gospel is big to us, then the community formed by the Gospel will be dear to us.

Church is not something that we consume so that we can get by—it's something we commit to, and participate in. We want to be wrapped up in the lives of each other—so that “the members may have the same care for one another. If one member suffers, all suffer together; if one member is honored, all rejoice together.” (1 Corinthians 12:25-26)


“The Gospel pushes us into mission.”

Missional Culture

We live on mission—because Jesus is worthy to receive His inheritance and our whole obedience.

This is a major thrust in WORDCOMM. We want people to embrace their God-given role and responsibility to be on-mission. It’s something ingrained in our culture—a missional culture.

That simply by being immersed in WORDCOMM, people will breathe the atmosphere where Christ’s mission is their priority and their lifestyle. And they will be shaped by a missional culture that sees all of life through the lens of mission. To tell others about Him, to disciple others, to become fishers of men.